Plates for cattle are used as floor deckings in buildings for cattle breeding, at pig breeding farms and in other fields of national economy. Plates are resistant to the impact of diluted acids, alkaline, salts and sea water; precipitation and sun rays impact sustainable.

The plate corresponds to the demands of Technical Requirements, veterinary, animals management technology. Several years of observation showed the stable decreasing of disease illnesses of mastitis and leukosis among cows in buildings equipped with rubber plates for carpets. It is reached due to the characters of rubber floor structure.

The comparison of floor lifetime showed that desks of hard rocks serve for 2 – 3 years, ceramic blocks – 4 years, rubber plates – for 15 years.

The plate has the following characters:

  • non-slip surface

  • high hardness

  • high solidity

  • low abrasiveness

  • water-resistant

  • sufficient heat conduction

  • electrical resistant

  • deformation sustainable

  • sustainability to animals' excrements and sanitizers

Plates are manufactured of different size, by consideration with the supply department